The Basic School Age Care (BSAC) training is a required course for all licensed school age professionals. The BSAC course covers a wide range of topics including health and safety, child development, behavior management, and lesson planning. You can become a BSAC trainer and help school age professionals reach their full potential.
Topic: Nutrition
Getting Your Green Thumb School Age Resource Guide
Getting Your Green Thumb Resource Guide
Healthy Child Celebrations: Drop the Sugar!
Need ideas for healthier celebrations? Here are a few ideas.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Find comprehensive information and guidance on the Child and Adult Care Food Program from NC DHHS, including: More about the CACFP Program How To Apply Forms Policy Memos Meal Patterns and Nutrition Resources Program Resources Training NC CARES Access and Assistance Farm to CACFP SFA-ARAM Resources (School Food Authorities participating in and in good standing… Continue reading Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Looking for a Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Program? This Checklist Will Help
Attention Parents and Guardians! Looking for a Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Program? This checklist provides questions to pose before or during your tour of the program, as well as specific items to look for while on tour. These questions may help to ensure you find a child care program which is a good fit for you… Continue reading Looking for a Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Program? This Checklist Will Help
Nutrition Services Information from the NC DHSS
Find a range of nutrition information from the NC Department of Health and Human Services – Nutrition Services Branch, including recalls, the WIC Program, information on breastfeeding, and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The NC DHHS Nutrition Services Branch promotes sound nutrition habits among infants, children and women in their child-bearing years.… Continue reading Nutrition Services Information from the NC DHSS
Food & Nutrition Service for FCCHs
CACFP provides nutritious meals and snacks to infants and children as a regular part of their day care. A variety of public or private nonprofit child care centers, Head Start programs, outside-school-hours care centers, and other institutions which are licensed or approved to provide day care services participate in CACFP. For-profit centers that serve lower… Continue reading Food & Nutrition Service for FCCHs