The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® North Carolina Scholarship Program provides educational scholarships to early care professionals and those who perform specialized functions in the early care system. If you’re just learning about the program, be sure to check out the program overview and F.A.Q, or see our community college directory. You’ll also find information on how to qualify… Continue reading T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project
Topic: Getting Started Guide
NC Licensing Requirements
It is important for licensed providers to be knowledgeable of all of the licensing requirements that apply to their type of program. Child care consultants can make unannounced visits at any time. It’s the provider’s responsibility to be in compliance with all of the applicable laws and rules. Another way for providers to make sure that they are meeting… Continue reading NC Licensing Requirements
Getting a License (Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers)
Child Care in North Carolina is defined as a program or arrangement where three or more children less than 13-years-old, who do not reside where the care is provided, receive care on a regular basis of at least once per week for more than four hours, but less than 24 hours per day, from people… Continue reading Getting a License (Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers)
CCR&R Provider Portal: NC Weekly Provider Status, Enrollment, and Vacancies
The CCR&R Provider Portal allows child care providers to report their weekly status during COVID. Those who have been approved to reopen during the COVID-19 pandemic will receive an email. The email will contain a link to the Provider Portal. Once they click on the link, they will be taken to the log in screen… Continue reading CCR&R Provider Portal: NC Weekly Provider Status, Enrollment, and Vacancies
Child Care in North Carolina
Choosing a child care program is one of the most important early decisions one can make for a child. This brochure provides valuable information about licensing, the types of care available, how to pay for it, and more.