Business and Financial Support (Self-Help Credit Union)

Look how interesting it is

Self-Help is a leading non-profit financial institution headquartered in Durham, NC. As a national community development organization, they have more than 188,000 members and have delivered $11 billion in financing to help over 198,000 people buy homes, start and build businesses, and strengthen community resources, across the United States. Self-Help Credit Union now has 35… Continue reading Business and Financial Support (Self-Help Credit Union)

Child Care WAGE$® Program

The Child Care WAGE$® Program provides education-based salary supplements to low-paid teachers, directors and family child care providers working with children between the ages of birth to five in participating counties. If you’re just learning about the WAGE$ Program, be sure to check out the program overview, F.A.Q, and learn about the results WAGE$ can provide. You’ll also find information… Continue reading Child Care WAGE$® Program

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project

The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® North Carolina Scholarship Program provides educational scholarships to early care professionals and those who perform specialized functions in the early care system. If you’re just learning about the program, be sure to check out the program overview and F.A.Q, or see our community college directory. You’ll also find information on how to qualify… Continue reading T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project

NC Licensing Requirements

It is important for licensed providers to be knowledgeable of all of the licensing requirements that apply to their type of program. Child care consultants can make unannounced visits at any time. It’s the provider’s responsibility to be in compliance with all of the applicable laws and rules. Another way for providers to make sure that they are meeting… Continue reading NC Licensing Requirements

Child Care License Requirements Overview

Child care license requirements and regulations for programs that are regulated by the Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE). Includes Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers.