“We Know Suspensions and Expulsions are Bad for Preschool Students. What Are Some Alternatives?”
Audience Category: For Families
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Statewide Social Emotional Resource List-HSB Project
HSB Statewide Social Emotional Resources Distribution FY22
Covid-19 Booster Now Available for Children Ages 5-11 (español)
Children ages 5 to 11 years old can receive a COVID-19 booster five months after the date of their most recent Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine dose.
Maximizing School Age Literacy
Supporting School Age Food Insecurity Resource Guide
NC CCR&R School Age Initiative Supporting School Age Food Insecurity Resource Guide
NC Child Care Resource & Referral Council Launches New Website for NC Communities
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MEDIA CONTACT Kara Shultz 919-967-3272 karas@childcareservices.org NC Child Care Resource & Referral Council launches new website to assist families, child care professionals, businesses and communities across North Carolina with essential child care services and support. Chapel Hill, N.C., April 26, 2022: The North Carolina Child Care Resource & Referral Council (NC CCR&R… Continue reading NC Child Care Resource & Referral Council Launches New Website for NC Communities
When a Friend Dies
At some point in their childhood, most children will experience the death of a friend. It can be challenging to break the news to a child that his or her friend is gone. The death of a friend is difficult for children to understand. How kids respond depends greatly on their age, experiences, and personality.… Continue reading When a Friend Dies
When a Grandparent Dies
Most kids lose a grandparent at some point in their lives. A grandparent’s illness and death can disrupt daily routines and send family emotions into high gear. Children who are too young to understand the complexities of what’s going on use their behavior to tell the adults in their life that they’re having difficulty dealing… Continue reading When a Grandparent Dies
When a Parent Becomes Unemployed
When a parent loses their job, it causes a great deal of stress within the family. Not only are the adults worried and concerned, but the children are affected as well. Job loss creates anxiety and economic hardship for families. These tips may help you navigate the situation with children.
When a Parent Dies
Losing a parent is the most profound loss a child can experience. These tips will help the adults in their life support them during this time.