Supporting Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness – Early Childhood Knowledge and Learning Center

Enhance your knowledge around family homelessness and the McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act’s definition of “homeless” as it refers to children and youth. Review other relevant federal regulations for Head Start, Early Head Start, and Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)-subsidized programs. This interactive learning series is intended for professionals in Head Start, Early Head Start, and child… Continue reading Supporting Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness – Early Childhood Knowledge and Learning Center

North Carolina Rated License Assessment Project

Read the latest news and learn more about the assessment process, watch videos and download resources for the Temporary Assessment Process and the ECERS-R, ITERS-R, SACERS-U, or FCCERS-R assessments.

New Yale Study Finds Masking in Child Care Programs Minimizes Closings

A new Yale study found that child care programs in the United States that practiced child masking early in the COVID-19 pandemic (May-June 2020) experienced a 13% reduction in program closure within the following year, and continued child masking throughout the one-year study period was associated with a 14% reduction in program closure.


Early Years & NC CCR&R Council Releases Infant & Toddler Intensive Technical Assistance Model Pilot Project Evaluation Report

During years birth to 3, children gain awareness of the self, the ability to comprehend and use language and an understanding of their and others’ emotions. At such a crucial stage of brain development, infants and toddlers are especially sensitive and responsive to their social environments. As part of their social environment, teacher-child interactions during… Continue reading Early Years & NC CCR&R Council Releases Infant & Toddler Intensive Technical Assistance Model Pilot Project Evaluation Report
