The Child Care WAGE$® Program provides education-based salary supplements to low-paid teachers, directors and family child care providers working with children between the ages of birth to five in participating counties. If you’re just learning about the WAGE$ Program, be sure to check out the program overview, F.A.Q, and learn about the results WAGE$ can provide. You’ll also find information… Continue reading Child Care WAGE$® Program
Audience Category: For Child Care Providers
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T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project
The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® North Carolina Scholarship Program provides educational scholarships to early care professionals and those who perform specialized functions in the early care system. If you’re just learning about the program, be sure to check out the program overview and F.A.Q, or see our community college directory. You’ll also find information on how to qualify… Continue reading T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project
Find a Child Care Health Consultant (CCHC)
Child Care Health Consultants (CCHCs) are available to provide support to early care and education programs. CCHCs are health experts with education and experience in child and community health and child care and specialized training in child care health consultation. This CCHC directory lists CCHCs – both those that are permanent and grant funded and… Continue reading Find a Child Care Health Consultant (CCHC)
NC Licensing Requirements
It is important for licensed providers to be knowledgeable of all of the licensing requirements that apply to their type of program. Child care consultants can make unannounced visits at any time. It’s the provider’s responsibility to be in compliance with all of the applicable laws and rules. Another way for providers to make sure that they are meeting… Continue reading NC Licensing Requirements
Getting a License (Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers)
Child Care in North Carolina is defined as a program or arrangement where three or more children less than 13-years-old, who do not reside where the care is provided, receive care on a regular basis of at least once per week for more than four hours, but less than 24 hours per day, from people… Continue reading Getting a License (Family Child Care Homes and Child Care Centers)
Family Articles Resources – National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations
Access a range of valuable Family Article tip sheets on the following topics: Make the Most of Playtime Responding to Your Child’s Bite Teaching Your Child About Feelings – from Birth to Age 2 Teaching Your Child to Become Independent with Daily Routines Teaching Your Child to Cooperate with Requests Teaching Your Child to Identify… Continue reading Family Articles Resources – National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations
Making Life Easier Resources – National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations
The “Making Life Easier” series is designed specifically for parents and caregivers. This series of tipsheets contains valuable information on how to make often challenging events easier to navigate, and even enjoyable, for both caregivers and children. Tipsheets are available in English, Spanish and Chinese. (View accordion near the bottom of the page)
Classroom Resources for Exceptional Children – NC Department of Public Instruction
The mission of the Exceptional Children Division is to ensure that students with disabilities develop intellectually, physically, emotionally, and vocationally through the provision of an appropriate individualized education program in the least restrictive environment. Browse a variety of useful classroom resources.
North Carolina Parents as Teachers (NCPAT)
North Carolina Parents as Teachers (NCPAT) provides training, technical assistance, collaboration and communication for early childhood parent education home visiting services. The role of NCPAT is to provide support for affiliates in North Carolina to meet those requirements as well as additional quality standards that represent best practices in the field. NCPAT also provides training and… Continue reading North Carolina Parents as Teachers (NCPAT)
Looking for a Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Program? This Checklist Will Help
Attention Parents and Guardians! Looking for a Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Program? This checklist provides questions to pose before or during your tour of the program, as well as specific items to look for while on tour. These questions may help to ensure you find a child care program which is a good fit for you… Continue reading Looking for a Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care Program? This Checklist Will Help