About the Healthy Social Behaviors Project

The Healthy Social Behaviors Project supports teachers to develop pro-social early childhood learning environments that help to prevent suspension and expulsion, as related to challenging behaviors. Learn more in this statewide flyer.

Star Rated License

In September 2000, the Division issued star rated licenses to child care centers and family child care homes meeting all minimum child care requirements, as well as those choosing to meet higher standards. In 2005, the Division changed the way facilities earned stars in order to more accurately reflect indicators of a program’s quality. Currently,… Continue reading Star Rated License

Child Care WAGE$® Program

The Child Care WAGE$® Program provides education-based salary supplements to low-paid teachers, directors and family child care providers working with children between the ages of birth to five in participating counties. If you’re just learning about the WAGE$ Program, be sure to check out the program overview, F.A.Q, and learn about the results WAGE$ can provide. You’ll also find information… Continue reading Child Care WAGE$® Program

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project

The T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® North Carolina Scholarship Program provides educational scholarships to early care professionals and those who perform specialized functions in the early care system. If you’re just learning about the program, be sure to check out the program overview and F.A.Q, or see our community college directory. You’ll also find information on how to qualify… Continue reading T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Project