Learn more about emotional literacy and why it’s important in this report.
Audience Category: For Child Care Providers
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When a Parent is Incarcerated
Children whose parent is incarcerated are impacted in a number of ways. This guide provides information on how adults can support a child in this situation.
When a Parent Loses a Limb or Loss of Ability
It can be very scary when a parent loses the ability to interact as they use to with a child due to loss of a limb. It can frighten children and is often hard for them to understand. Being prepared to help children adjust can alleviate stress and anxiety from the already sensitive situation.
How to Communicate Cross-Culturally with Parents
During times of stress, such as that which accompanies grief and loss, be aware of the way your culture (and that of parents), affects your ability to communicate effectively and with sensitivity. The expression of grief and loss will look very different within every family. Culturally diverse rituals and traditions may create mixed signals and… Continue reading How to Communicate Cross-Culturally with Parents
How to Talk to Kids About Death
Tips for talking to children about death.
Expulsion Prevention Resources for Early Care and Education Programs
In a study released May 2005, of nearly 4,000 state-funded pre-kindergarten classes randomly selected across the nation, 10.4 percent of pre-kindergarten (pre-k) teachers reported at least one expulsion in their classes during the past 12 months. A rate of 6.7 expulsions per 1,000 preschoolers enrolled in state-funded programs nationally was reported. Learn more about preschool… Continue reading Expulsion Prevention Resources for Early Care and Education Programs
Navigating the Grief of Children After a Death
A guide to understanding how children process death at different ages and how to help.
Helping a Child Cope With Illness and Hospitalization
If a child suffers from an illness requiring a hospital stay, it is a stressful time for the entire family. Not only is it a challenging and unfamiliar experience, the child may also come face to face with some real fears and, therefore, be quite anxious. Parents are worried about the well-being of their child… Continue reading Helping a Child Cope With Illness and Hospitalization
Helping a Child Cope With Military Deployment
Tips to help children cope with military deployment.
Helping a Child Cope With Natural Disasters
When a natural disaster occurs, children need to know that they are safe and will be kept safe. Will I be okay? Will you be okay? Will everyone I know be okay?