What are environmental strategies that promote positive social interactions and why is it important to use these environmental strategies? Find out in this report.
Audience Category: For Child Care Providers
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When a Parent Becomes Unemployed
When a parent loses their job, it causes a great deal of stress within the family. Not only are the adults worried and concerned, but the children are affected as well. Job loss creates anxiety and economic hardship for families. These tips may help you navigate the situation with children.
Expressing Warmth and Affection to Children
What does it mean to express warmth and affection to children and why is it important? Find out in this report.
For Program Administrators: Social-Emotional Checklist of Early Care and Education Practices
This checklist will help you observe classrooms in your program through a social-emotional lens. Spend some time in each classroom and ask yourself if you would enjoy spending your days there. How does it feel to you? Look around the physical space, notice how the day flows and observe the teachers interacting with children.
Helping a Child Cope With the Serious Illness of a Family Member
Young children can have a hard time understanding illness and disease. Because they can really only understand what they can observe with their senses, it is very difficult for them to understand the biology of the body and how illness effects the person. The child may feel responsible for the family member’s illness and may… Continue reading Helping a Child Cope With the Serious Illness of a Family Member
For TA Providers: Social-Emotional Checklist of Early Care and Education Practices
As you observe the practices in the classrooms you serve, don’t forget about a very important area of child development: learning social and emotional skills (or how to get along with others and how to understand and express feelings in an appropriate way). Social and emotional skills are the foundation of all learning in the… Continue reading For TA Providers: Social-Emotional Checklist of Early Care and Education Practices
How Caring Adults Can Support a Grieving Young Child
Children need lots of love and support from the caring adults in their life to cope with the loss and reach constructive grief resolution. When talking with children about death, adults should speak on the child’s developmental level, be respectful of cultural backgrounds, and show sensitivity towards the situation. Listen to what the child is… Continue reading How Caring Adults Can Support a Grieving Young Child
For Teachers: Social-Emotional Checklist of Early Care and Education Practices
As you review the practices in your classroom, don’t forget about a very important area of child development: learning social and emotional skills (or how to get along with others and how to understand and express feelings in an appropriate way). Social and emotional skills are the foundation of all learning in the early years… Continue reading For Teachers: Social-Emotional Checklist of Early Care and Education Practices
How to Communicate Cross-Culturally with Parents
During times of stress, such as that which accompanies grief and loss, be aware of the way your culture (and that of parents), affects your ability to communicate effectively and with sensitivity. The expression of grief and loss will look very different within every family. Culturally diverse rituals and traditions may create mixed signals and… Continue reading How to Communicate Cross-Culturally with Parents
How to Talk to Kids About Death
Tips for talking to children about death.