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Audience Category: For Child Care Providers
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Child Care Stabilization Grants
On October 7, 2021, Governor Roy Cooper announced a historic, one-time federal $805 million investment in North Carolina’s early care and learning programs. This guide provides FAQs and other resources specifically for Family Child Care Homes.
National Resources About Family Child Care
Family child care (FCC) has many unique qualities that sets it apart from other early care and education settings. These national online resources and written products from the Child Care Technical Assistance Network more specifically address FCC settings.
Professional Development Designed Specifically for Family Child Care Professionals
Better Kid Care (PennState Extension) provides professional development opportunities designed specifically for family child care professionals. In addition, many of our other available modules are relevant and meaningful to the work of home-based and family child care professionals. Several FREE on-demand modules are available in English & Spanish.
Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale®, Revised (FCCERS-R)
A thorough revision of the original FDCRS, designed to assess family child care programs conducted in a provider’s home for children from infancy through school-age. Scale consists of 38 items organized into 7 subscales, detailed on this website.
Teacher Activity Book – B-3QI
If you are looking for fun and developmentally appropriate activities for your birth-to-three classroom, look no further! The activities included here align with all five developmental domains of the North Carolina Foundations for Early Learning and Development (NC FELD).
Using Choice and Preferences
What is the child choice strategy, why is it important and what can you do in your classroom? Learn more in this report.
Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
The Ages & Stages Questionnaires® (ASQ®) provides reliable, accurate developmental and social-emotional screening for children between birth and age 6. Drawing on parents’ expert knowledge, ASQ has been specifically designed to pinpoint developmental progress and catch delays in young children—paving the way for meaningful next steps in learning, intervention, or monitoring.
Resources for Opening and Running a Successful Family Child Care Home
Are you interested in opening a family child care home? Are you already running a family child care home and looking for additional resources? Child Care Aware provides guidance to learn about the steps you’ll need to take to be successful and will provide resources to ensure your program is providing a high-quality learning experience… Continue reading Resources for Opening and Running a Successful Family Child Care Home
Strategies for Routines and Classroom Schedules
Children who are engaged in activities with materials, a classmate or an adult are less likely to be engaged in challenging behaviors…so classroom schedules and routines should be designed with child engagement in mind. If your schedule is predictable and the children have been taught the daily routines, your classroom will run more smoothly and… Continue reading Strategies for Routines and Classroom Schedules